
Hydrogen fuel and its different aspects

May, 2020

Nowadays global warming, CO2 emission, climate change, and environment-related topics are becoming a major part of social and academic debate. And all these topics are seemed to be converging on fossil fuels. With the number of disadvantages of fossil fuels, green energy is taking both political and business momentum. The most important part of fossil fuel, the emission of CO2, and the consequence of it as global warming are noticeable and the shifting point to the green energy. Another important factor of fossil fuel is they are unsustainable and their uneven geological distribution causing global market conflict increasing difficulty in the countries development. To minimize the greenhouse effect from various CFCs and to develop long-lasting energy sources renewable energies are at the top pace of development. But the high production cost, less efficiency, and storage are problems obstructing their familiarity.

In this scenario, Hydrogen (H2) is emerging as a new energy vector overcoming the limitations of renewable energies. Ensuring a low-carbon, clean hydrogen supply is essential and could be an impacting field of the economy for the developing countries like Nepal. Hydrogen energy produced from the natural gases and its use on the sector of fuel cell technology is one of the most efficient technologies but the green hydrogen still needs adjustment of the issues and design variables in production, storage, transportations sectors, and end-use system for the efficient frontier.

Compared to fossil fuels, hydrogen fuel offers enormous advantages. It has the highest energy density of 35.7 kWh/kg and can be produced pollutant-free from any RE source. The development of green hydrogen energy towards uplifting the environmental conditions reducing pollutants is promising. The ways that hydrogen offers to decarbonize a range of sectors and its versatility in terms of both supply and use are very impressive. Moreover, hydrogen is one of the options for storing energy from renewables and it is poised to become a low-cost for storing large quantities of energy over a range of time. At the same time, design development, storage systems, production processes, and efficiency and energy loss are some of the challenges that clean hydrogen energy must tackle for the green economy and sustainable clean energy.

Currently, hydrogen is being produced from natural gas and coal, and production practices from the REs are on the way such as solar hydrogen energy systems. Only 2 % of 600 billion cubic meters of hydrogen is produced from water electrolysis and in this situation hydrogen production from the surplus water using hydropower is also taking steps and countries like Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway, Ecuador are taking lead for the production of Hydrogen and its research.

In the context of Nepal, it is blessed with high hydropower potential. Theoretically, 83280 MW of hydroelectricity can be generated however only 44000 MW of energy is feasible for economic and technological potential. Out of that, to date, Nepal has only generated 847 MW of energy whereas the demand is more than 1000 MW. At the same time, grand national hydropower projects are under construction. With the completion of ongoing projects and some perspective power plants within 2030, Nepal will be generating about 4000 MW of hydroelectricity. That amount of energy is only 9.25 % of the whole hydropower potential of Nepal so developing further hydropower, Nepal will have surplus energy to export and can be utilized for other applications such as the production of fertilizers and other chemical forms. This surplus energy can also be used for the production of hydrogen gas through electrolysis, which has tremendous benefits both in economic and environmental sectors. Practices and researches are on the pipeline in this sector also. For example, the 200-kW facility of hydropower plant of IBAarau at Switzerland established in 1895 produces around 20000 kg H2 sufficient to power 170 fuel cell cars annually. Countries with high hydrogen potential also have great hydrogen potential, so converging to Nepal, it can take benefit from its high hydropower potential to hydrogen potential making steps towards the global energy market.

Toyota has emerged in this field by commercially launching Toyota Mirai in 2017 and BMW has launched the Hydrogen 7. Similarly, Honda, Nissan, Daihatsu are working in this field. As the current world is competing towards fuel cell four-wheelers and buses, China has developed the hydrogen-powered tramcar. With the help of Chinese research institutes, Sifang Co. developed train with a refiling time of three minutes with the top speed of 70 km/per hour up to 100 km solving key technological problems within two years. Efficient ways of producing hydrogen are also on the way of development, recently, scientists have developed a way in which hydrogen is produced 25 times more than by traditional techniques. It involves producing hydrogen from the solution of water and methanol and alpha iron oxide with a light source from a mercury-xenon lamp. Likewise, researches are on the way of developing cheap and abundant electrodes replacing Iridium electrode solving the problem of electrode instability at high temperature. Currently, the efficiency of hydrogen production with PEM electrolysis is also sound with 80 % efficiency whereas steam reforming is 65 % efficient.

Nevertheless, going with the another side of hydrogen fuel, it has some concerns about storage and safety points. The danger of electrical shock and the flammability of the fuel are the prime two dangers associated with hydrogen fuel. Molecules of hydrogen are very smaller than those of steel and other materials, so they even enter the molecular level making them brittle and liquid hydrogen tanks always emit small quantities of hydrogen if it is not oxidized or burned off in a controlled manner. State of art, compressed, and liquified storage systems have leakage and energy loss problems whereas flammability has become a major issue on all compressed, liquified, and chemical storage systems. Regeneration issue is associated with chemical storage. Heavyweight and temperature control have become a problem with metal hydrides storage systems. Storage systems for hydrogen need improvement and the search for new material to store the desired amount of hydrogen has room for scientific research. Improving these areas alongside safety issues will be a win for hydrogen energy and the green economy.